the power of suggestion

just like every day, i checked my phone for the temperature outside before taking ivan out for his morning stroll.  it said 64 degrees. the sun was pouring in my windows.  64 & sunny . . . . it’s going to be a great day!

completely under dressed for the actual 46 degree temp outside, i arrived home a bit chilly and totally confused.  i checked my phone again.  64 degrees.  at first i wondered if my phone had picked up on the industrial strength warm weather thoughts i had been having for so long and was just trying to make me happy.

64 degree phone

then i noticed that the time under the weather was displayed as 7:31 pm, rather than am,  and i chalked the whole thing up to the power of my electronic disorder.


“The use of the will as the projector of mentative currents is the real base of all mental magic.”
~ William Walker Atkinson


your thoughts?